About Me

About Me

You know, these about me pages always make me pause. What exactly should you write here. I mean, how much do you really want to know about me? What is relevant? Does it matter that I’m in my 40s or that I’ve had three children? What about how many husband’s I’ve had? If I’ve only had one husband, does that cause you to build an impression of me that will then drive your attitude and behavior toward me? If I’ve had 3 husbands, does that change me? Does that change the me that you see and how you treat me?

For that matter, what of myself do I really want to share with the world wide mass of humanity? Do I want everyone who might read this to know that I struggle with mental health stability from time-to-time. Or that I tend to lean more conservative than liberal, now that I’m in my older years much more so than my youth.

I suppose you might say that I’m in a contemplative state of mind. I’m tired. I’m doing the best that I can, in the way that I can.